aage peechhe example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of aage peechhe 1. सीधी कतार के साथ-साथ हमें यह ध्यान भी रखना होता था कि आगे पीछे खड़े लड़कों के बीच की दूरी भी एक सी हो। 1. These temporary minority or opposition, sooner or later have access to the government 2. This period is reached sooner or later after birth; 2 years on average in fish, 2 to 4 years in the frog, six months or more in birds 3. Thus, we can consider that derive from the ectoderm the epidermis as a whole and its front and rear extensions constituting the mouth and the hindgut 4. degree "or because the pieces in this container are arranged one after the other (REW3, No 5. Hotels province of currencies ceased operation one after the other and at the end of the century, the Administration of coins and medals, dependent on the Treasury, centralized minting coins

Given are the examples of hindi word aage peechhe usage in english sentences. The examples of aage peechhe are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., back to back, up and down.